Oh What Fragile Beasts We Humans Be

Cherie Hanson
4 min readOct 4, 2022

Posted on October 4, 2022

The illusion of toughness gets in the way of self-care. I often think of how my understanding of my “margin for error” has just been insanely optimistic. At 78 years of age, I have learned that we never know what is spilled milk and what is an irretrievable error.

learning the self

The car passing on ice cutting off a semi flips and only through the skill and intent of the professional driver do we survive spinning around, smashing multiple times into the guard rail, and sitting, finally still and shocked in the totaled car. How many times previously had the driver next to me made that move with impunity? But this time could have been ‘the exit.’

The last straw, the last exit from disaster, the minor blithe ignorance of the howling voices of the carnivorous wolves in the forest is something we simply don’t understand. We are so disconnected from our mortality that we are like children.

My family narrative was that we were tough. My father and mother could take countless risks with their lives and their children’s lives because we were of sturdy stock. Two times I had pneumonia and because…

